Your skin is the first line of defense against environmental stresses like sun rays, pollution, and temperature. All the toxins, microorganisms, and dust particles come in contact with the surface of the skin and if your skin is healthy then it protects you from them. All these above factors form a layer of grime on the skin that combines with dead skin cells & oil to form various types of acne from which blackheads are the most troublesome. Exfoliating the skin with Walnut Face Scrub has shown tremendous results in the treatment of blackheads and they are trusted by skin experts too
As the name says, blackheads are dark brown or black in color. They are formed as a result of blockage of hair follicles or you can simply say skin pores by the accumulation of dead skin cells and sebum. Sometimes, whiteheads and blackheads are considered the same but they are not. Whiteheads occur when the clogged pores get covered by the skin but blackheads occur when the blocked pores do not get covered by the skin and get exposed to air which causes the darkening of it.
Most people try to remove blackheads at home by squeezing them with their hands or using some tools which worsen the condition by increasing acne and enlarging the pores. Instead of causing harm to your skin by removing them with your hands, one should exfoliate the skin regularly. Coffee Face Scrubs are all the limelight these days and many skincare brands are gaining profit by selling them with the addition of various skin friendly ingredients like vitamin C, coconut oil, neem, Green tea, walnut, etc.
Regularly exfoliating the skin with Walnut Scrub that has some nourishing ingredients give you freedom from blackheads in addition to improving the overall health of the skin.
Read the following points to know how:-

Removes dryness: Individuals with dry skin often have dry patches on some areas of the face like the nose, chin, and forehead that give a crumbly appearance. Scrubbing gently with walnut-based exfoliators removes that dry layer efficiently and also moisturizes the skin if some ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, sunflower oil, avocado oil, and Vitamin E are also present inside it.
It removes the dead skin cells: The skin renewal process results in the accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin surface and if these old/dead skin cells are not removed properly, they clog the pores and hence acne & its counterparts appear on the skin. Exfoliating the face with a scrub containing tiny walnut particles removes them efficiently.
Cleanses the pores: Massaging the face with walnut containing scrubs rejuvenates the skin by adding omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin B5, Vitamin E, and other healthy fats. Moreover, it aids in the removal of grime from the pores that let the skin breathe. Facial cleansers may clean the pores of the skin but for a healthy glow and acne free skin, you need to exfoliate twice a week or more so that every bit of harmful grime can be removed. Important Tips For Exfoliating: Either you exfoliate your facial skin with a Walnut particle scrub or Coffee Face Scrub, there are some points that you should keep in mind for doing it properly.
Always cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser before scrubbing.
Do not use paraben or alcohol based cleanser if you have acne prone skin.
After washing the face, take a generous amount of scrub on your palm and massage the face softly in an upward direction.
Do not apply too much force while massaging.
Focus on the blackhead prone areas like the chin, nose, etc.
Never scrub the area where the pimple or whitehead is present as it can pop the pimple and tear the skin which results in redness, swelling, irritation, and more.
Wash with lukewarm water and dry the face with a cotton towel.
Finish with a Hydrating face serum followed by a nourishing moisturizer.
Repeat twice a week.
To protect the largest organ of your body from the damage caused by environmental factors, pollution and others a dedicated skincare routine is important. For cleansing the skin more efficiently, Walnut Face Scrubs are the best option as they remove the dead skin cells, excess oil, and other forms of grime from the face and give you a radiant glow.